MahaShivaratri: Mahadev Sanskrit shlok with meaning

MahaShivaratri: Mahadev Sanskrit shlok with meaning

Maha Shivaratri, the great night of Lord Shiva, is one of the most auspicious festivals celebrated by Hindus around the world. On this night, devotees offer prayers and chant Sanskrit shlokas glorifying Lord Shiva, the supreme deity known for his benevolence as well as his role as the destroyer. In this blog post, I will share some popular Sanskrit shlokas dedicated to Lord Shiva along with their English translations and meaning. These shlokas beautifully describe the magnificence of Lord Shiva and highlight his divine powers. Chanting these shlokas on Maha Shivaratri is known to please Lord Shiva and get his blessings. The ancient language of Sanskrit has a rich tradition of devotional poetry and verses, and some of the most profound Shiva shlokas were composed by renowned saints like Adi Shankaracharya. On the auspicious night of Maha Shivaratri, devotees recite these shlokas with great devotion and faith to feel closer to Lord Shiva. Stay tuned as I share some of my favorite Shiva shlokas in Sanskrit along with their meaning and significance.

Mahadev Sanskrit shloka with meaning

Mahadeva Sanskrit shloka

नमस्ते भगवान रुद्र भास्करामित तेजसे ।
नमो भवाय देवाय रसायाम्बुमयात्मने ॥

namaste Bhagavan Rudra bhāskarāmitatejase |
namo bhavāya devāya rasāyāṃbumayāya te ||

Hindi Interpretation
हे भगवान ! हे रुद्र ! आपका तेज अनगिनत सूर्योंके तेज समान है । रसरूप, जलमय विग्रहवाले हे भवदेव ! आपको नमस्कार है ।

English Interpretation
Obeisance to you, O Lord, having the splendor of innumerable suns. Obeisance to you, the Bhava, the lord in the form of flavor and fluid.

Source – rudrasaṃhitā 2.41.17
कर-चरणकृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधम,
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व,
जय-जय करुणाब्धे, श्री महादेव शम्भो॥

Kara-Caranna Krtam Vaak-Kaaya-Jam Karma-Jam Vaa |
Shravanna-Nayana-Jam Vaa Maanasam Va-Aparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva |
Jaya Jaya Karunna-Abdhe Shrii-Mahadeva Shambho ||

English Interpretation
O God, kindly pardon my incorrect actions done consciously or unconsciously, either through my organs of action (hand, feet, and speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes, ears), or by my mind. I adore the God, who is the ocean of kindness”.

Hindi Interpretation
हे भगवान, मेरे हाथों से, पैरों से, वाणी से, शरीर से, कर्म से, कर्णों से, नेत्रों से अथवा मन द्वारा होशपूर्वक या अनजाने में किए गए मेरे गलत कार्यों को क्षमा करें। उन सबको क्षमा कीजिए, हे करुणासागर महादेव शम्भो! आपकी जय हो, जय हो।
तोये शैत्यं दाहकत्वं च वह्नौ तापो भानौ शीतभानौ प्रसादः ।
पुष्पे गन्धो दुग्धमध्येऽपि सर्पिर्यत्तच्छम्भो त्वं ततस्त्वां प्रपद्ये ॥

toye śaityaṃ dāhakatvaṃ ca vahnau tāpo bhānau śītabhānau prasādaḥ |
puṣpe gandho dugdhamadhye’pi sarpiryattacchaṃbho tvaṃ tatastvāmprapadye ||

English Interpretation
Coolness in the water, heat in the fire, the scorching nature in the sun and the pleasing gentleness in the moon, fragrance in the flower and the ghee in the milk—just, in that manner, O Śiva, you are the essence in the world. Hence I resort to you.

Hindi Interpretation
हे शम्भो! जिस प्रकार जल में शीतलता, अग्निमें दाहकता, सूर्य में ताप, चन्द्रमा में आह्ादकत्व, पुष्प में गन्ध एवं दुग्धमें घृत व्याप्त रहता है, उसी प्रकार सर्वत्र आप
ही व्याप्त हैं, अत: मैं आपकी शरण प्राप्त करता हूँ।

Source – vishveshvarastotram ४

भवभक्तिपरा ये च भवप्रणतचेतसः।
विनये संकटे प्राप्तेऽवितथस्य परोक्षतः।

Hindi Interpretation
जो शिवभक्तिपरायण हैं, जो शिव में अनुरक्त चित्तवाले हैं और जो शिव का स्मरण करते हैं, वे दुःख के पात्र नहीं होते ।

English Interpretation
one who worships Shiva for a while or for a moment, or who remains devoted to Lord Siva, or offers him his mental salutation, or tries to recollect his name, he can never face misery.

Source : रुद्रसंहिता सृ.ख. १२-२१

नमोऽस्तु नानाभुवनाधिकर्त्रे नमोऽस्तु भक्ताभिमतप्रदात्रे ।
नमोऽस्तु कर्मप्रसवाय धात्रे नमः सदा ते भगवन् सुकर्त्रे ॥
namo’stu nānābhuvanādhikartre namo’stu bhaktābhimatapradātre |
namo’stu karmaprasāvāya dhātre namaḥ sadā te bhagavansukartre ||

Hindi Interpretation
नाना भुवनोंपर अधिकार रखनेवाले आपको नमस्कार है । भक्तोंको
मनोवांछित फल प्रदान करनेवाले आपको नमस्कार है । भगवन्!
आप ही कमोँका फल देनेवाले हैं, आपको नमस्कार है । आप ही
सबका धारण-पोषण करनेवाले धाता तथा उत्तम कर्ता हैँ, आपको
सर्वदा नमस्कार है ।

English Interpretation
Hail to the creator of different kinds of worlds; obeisance to the bestower of everything on the devotees. Salutation to the creator, the source of all holy rites. Obeisance always to you, O Lord, to the excellent maker.


पशूनां पतये चैव पावकायातितेजसे ।
भीमाय व्योमरूपाय शब्दमात्राय ते नमः ॥

paśūnāṃ pataye caiva pāvakāyātitejase |
bhīmāya vyomarūpāya śabdamātrāya te namaḥ ||

Hindi Interpretation
अग्निरुप तेज व पशुपति रूपवाले हे देव ! आपको नमस्कार है । शब्द तन्मात्रा से युक्त आकाश रूपवाले हे भीमदेव ! आपको नमस्कार है ।

English Interpretation
O God who has the form of fire and the form of Pashupati! Greetings to you. O Bhimdev, who has the form of the sky with the word tanmatra! Greetings to you.

Source : vāyavīyasaṃhitā 12.42


मम यः स्थापयेल्लिंगं शुभं सद्म च कारयेत् ।
मल्लोके वसतेऽसौ च वावच्चंद्रदिवाकरौ ॥

mama yaḥ sthāpayelliṃgaṃ śubhaṃ sadma ca kārayet |
malloke vasate’sau ca vāvaccaṃdradivākarau ||
English Interpretation
If anyone installs my Liṅga and makes a splendid abode (temple), he will reside in my world as long as the moon and the sun last.

Hindi Interpretation
यदि कोई मेरा लिंग स्थापित कर भव्य धाम (मंदिर) बनाता है, तो वह मेरे संसार में तब तक रहेगा जब तक चन्द्रमा और सूर्य रहेगा।
Source – Skanda-Purana verse


दृष्ट्वापि शिवनैवेद्ये यांति पापानि दूरतः ।
भक्ते तु शिवनैवेद्ये पुण्यान्या यांति कोटिशः॥

dṛṣṭvāpi śivanaivedye yāṃti pāpāni dūrataḥ |
bhakte tu śivanaivedye puṇyānyā yāṃti koṭiśaḥ ||

Hindi Interpretation
शिवनैवेद्य को देखनेमात्र से ही सभी पाप दूर हो जाते हैं और शिव का नैवेद्य भक्षण करने से तो करोड़ों पुण्य स्वतः आ जाते हैं ।

English Interpretation
Even at the sight of the Naivedya of Śiva, all sins disappear. When it is taken in, crores of merits flock in, in no moment.

Source: Shiva-Purana verse 1.22.4



यद्गृहे शिवनैवेद्यप्रचारोपि प्रजायते ।
तद्गृहं पावनं सर्वमन्यपावनकारणम् ॥

yadgṛhe śivanaivedyapracāropi prajāyate |
tadgṛhaṃ pāvanaṃ sarvamanyapāvanakāraṇam ||

Hindi Interpretation
जिस घर में शिव को नैवेद्य लगाया जाता है या अन्यत्र से शिव को समर्पित नैवेद्य प्रसादरूप में आ जाता है, वह घर पवित्र हो जाता है और वह अन्य को भी पवित्र करनेवाला हो जाता है ॥

English Interpretation
The house in which Naivedya is offered to Shiva or the Naivedya dedicated to Shiva comes from elsewhere in the form of prasad, that house becomes sacred and it can make others also sacred.

Source : viśveśvarasaṃhitā 1.22.6


आगतं शिवनैवेद्यं गृहीत्वा शिरसा मुदा ।
भक्षणीयं प्रयत्नेन शिवस्मरणपूर्वकम् ॥

āgataṃ śivanaivedyaṃ gṛhītvā śirasā mudā |
bhakṣaṇīyaṃ prayatnena śivasmaraṇapūrvakam ||

Hindi Interpretation
जब शिव का नैवेद्य अर्पित किया जाता है तो उसे खुशी और विनम्रता के साथ स्वीकार किया जाना चाहिए। शिव का स्मरण करते हुए इसे बड़े चाव से खाना चाहिए।

English Interpretation
When Śiva’s Naivedya is offered it shall be accepted with pleasure and humility. It shall be eaten eagerly while remembering Siva.

viśveśvarasaṃhitā 1.22.7


पुण्यतीर्थानि यावंति लोकेषु प्रथितान्यपि ।
तानि सर्वाणि तीर्थानिबिल्वमूलेव संति हि ॥

puṇyatīrthāni yāvaṃti lokeṣu prathitānyapi |
tāni sarvāṇi tīrthānibilvamūleva saṃti hi ||

Hindi Interpretation
संसार में जितने भी प्रसिद्ध तीर्थ हैं, वे सब तीर्थ बिल्व के मूल में निवास करते हैं ॥

English Interpretation
Whatever holy center there is in the world finds a place under the root of Bilva.

viśveśvarasaṃhitā 1.22.23


ते धन्याश्च कृतार्थाश्च सफलं देहधारणम् ।
उद्धृतञ्च कुलं तेषां ये शिवं समुपासते ॥

te dhanyāśca kṛtārthāśca saphalaṃ dehadhāraṇam |
uddhṛtañca kulaṃ teṣāṃ ye śivaṃ samupāsate ||

Hindi Interpretation
वे ही धन्य और कृतार्थ हैं, उन्हीं का शरीर धारण करना भी सफल है और उन्होंने ही अपने कुल का उद्धार कर लिया है, जो शिव की उपासना करते हैं ।

English Interpretation
Those who adore Śiva are blessed and content. Their birth is fruitful and their family is elevated.

viśveśvarasaṃhitā verse 1.23.5


मुखे यस्य शिवनाम सदाशिवशिवेति च ।
पापानि न स्पृशंत्येव खदिरांगारंकयथा ॥

mukhe yasya śivanāma sadāśivaśiveti ca |
pāpāni na spṛśaṃtyeva khadirāṃgāraṃkayathā ||

Hindi Interpretation
जिनके मुख में भगवान् शिव का नाम है, जो अपने मुख से सदा शिव-शिव इस नाम का उच्चारण करते रहते हैं, पाप उनका उसी तरह स्पर्श नहीं करते, जैसे खदिर वृक्ष के अंगार को छूने का साहस कोई भी प्राणी नहीं कर सकता ।

English Interpretation
Sins never touch those from whose mouth the names Sadāśiva, Śiva, etc. come out forever, as they do not touch the burning charcoal of the khadira wood.

viśveśvarasaṃhitā verse 1.23.6


शर्वाय क्षितिरूपाय सदा सुरभिणे नमः ।
रुद्रायाग्निस्वरूपाय महातेजस्विने नमः ॥

śarvāya kṣitirūpāya sadā surabhiṇe namaḥ |
rudrāyāgnisvarūpāya mahātejasvine namaḥ ||

Hindi Interpretation
नंदी और सुरभि कामधेनु भी आपके ही प्रतिरूप हैं । पृथ्वीको धारण करनेवाले हे शर्वदेव ! आपको नमस्कार है । हे वायुरुपधारी, वसुरुपधारी आपको नमस्कार है ।

English Interpretation
Obeisance to you who is everything, who is in the form of fragrant earth. Obeisance to Him of great splendour, Him in the form of fire.

Source : rudrasaṃhitā ( satīkhaṇḍa ) 41.18


पापोपहतबुद्धीनां शिवे वार्तापि दुर्लभा ।
दुर्लभं भारते जन्म दुर्लभं शिवपूजनम् ॥

pāpopahatabuddhīnāṃ śive vārtāpi durlabhā |
durlabhaṃ bhārate janma durlabhaṃ śivapūjanam ||

Hindi Interpretation
उन मनुष्यों का समाचार शिव तक नहीं पहुंचेगा जिनके मन पापों से ग्रसित हैं। मनुष्यों के लिए भारत में जन्म लेना सबसे दुर्लभ है, और उससे भी दुर्लभ है शिव जी की भक्ति/पूजा करने का अवसर। भाग्यशाली है जिन्होंने भारत में जन्म लिया और शिव जी की भक्ति करने का मौका मिला|

English Interpretation
It is rare for humans to be born in BHARAT, And even rarer is the opportunity to worship Bhagwan SHIVA. Those are Lucky to be born in Bharat and luckier are those who has.

Source : Skandapurana Verse


यस्मिन्देशे शिवज्ञानी भूतिशासनसंयुतः ।
गतो यदृच्छयाद्यापि तस्मिस्तीर्थाः समागताः ॥

yasmindeśe śivajñānī bhūtiśāsanasaṃyutaḥ |
gato yadṛcchayādyāpi tasmistīrthāḥ samāgatāḥ ||

Hindi Interpretation
भस्म धारण करनेवाला शिवज्ञानी जिस देश में स्वेच्छया चला जाता है, उस देश में समस्त तीर्थ आ जाते हैं ।

Source : viśveśvarasaṃhitā 1.24.26


रुद्रा क्षं यस्य गात्रेषु ललाटे तु त्रिपंड्रकम् ।
सचांडालोपि संपूज्यस्सर्ववर्णोत्तमोत्तमः ॥

rudrā kṣaṃ yasya gātreṣu lalāṭe tu tripaṃḍrakam |
sacāṃḍālopi saṃpūjyassarvavarṇottamottamaḥ ||

Hindi Interpretation
जिसने शरीर पर रुद्राक्ष और मस्तक पर त्रिपुण्ड्र धारण किया है, ऐसा मनुष्य यदि चाण्डाल भी है, तो भी वह सभी वर्णों में श्रेष्ठतम और सम्पूज्य है ।

English Interpretation
Whosoever wears Rudrākṣa over his body and the Tripuṇḍra on his forehead is worthy of respect. He is the most excellent of all castes.

Source – viśveśvarasaṃhitā 24.62


यानि तीर्थानि लोकेस्मिन्गंगाद्यास्सरितश्च याः ।
स्नातो भवति सर्वत्र ललाटे यस्त्रिपुंड्रकम् ॥

yāni tīrthāni lokesmingaṃgādyāssaritaśca yāḥ |
snāto bhavati sarvatra lalāṭe yastripuṃḍrakam ||

Hindi Interpretation
जो मस्तक पर त्रिपुण्ड्र धारण करता है, वह इस संसार में जितने भी तीर्थ हैं और गंगा आदि जितनी नदियाँ हैं, उन सबमें स्नान किये हुए के समान [पुण्यफल प्राप्त करनेवाला] होता है |

English Interpretation
He who wears the Tripuṇḍraka on his forehead gains the same merit as one who takes his bath in the sacred rivers like Gaṅgā and whatever other sacred ponds, lakes and holy centres there are in the world.

Source – viśveśvarasaṃhitā 24.63


FAQ About MahaShivratri

  1. What is Maha Shivratri and why it is celebrated?

    Maha Shivaratri is the biggest festival in Hinduism. It is celebrated on the 13th night or 14th day of the month of Magha in the Hindu calendar. As per Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva was born on this day. This festival is celebrated to commemorate Lord Shiva’s birth.

    The significance of Maha Shivaratri can be understood by its name which means “the Great Night of Shiva”. It has been considered one of the most important festivals in India since ancient times because it celebrates one of its oldest gods and recognizes that all life comes from death.

  2. What should we do on Maha Shivaratri?

    On this day, Shiva devotees fast until noon, pray within temples or stay awake all night to meditate on Lord Shiva. The celebration ends with a feast known as Prasad.

  3. What can we eat in Maha Shivratri fast?

    The Maha Shivratri fast is observed for the whole night and the next day. People are not allowed to eat anything, but they can drink water after sunset on Maha Shivaratri day. The fast lasts for 24 hours and people break it by having Sabudana khichdi or any other food that suits their taste buds.

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